Question 1) Describe the PEAS descriptions for the following agents : A batsman in cricket ...

Question 1) Describe the PEAS descriptions for the following agents : A batsman in cricket A credit card fraud detection agent that examines an individual’s transaction history and reports suspicious activity. The agent receives information about the individual and a complete set of transaction information from the time that the person opened a card to date. It must then decide if the transactions show a pattern of fraud. A personal servant An autonomous exploration robot that seeks out signs of life on Mars. For each of the agents described above, categorize it with respect to the six dimensions of task environments as described on pages 41-45 (Section 2.3.2 of AIMA). Be sure that your choices accurately reflect the way you have specified your environment, especially the sensors and actuators. Give a short justification for each property

COMPUTER SCIENCE 1 Answer Sajjad Akhtar