Design a Webale Chess game

The project: Webale Chess You must use good object-oriented design concepts in designing your program. Subclassing delegation, composition, and aggregation should be used where appropriate. You are to implement a Webale Chess game as a GUI-based Java Application. You do not have to implement a computer player - it can just be a two human player game. You must use the MVC pattern, since this is a program with a GUI. This means you must not mix code that tells how the game works with the GUI code. This means that if you later put this game on another Webale Chess is played on a 7x8 board, like this: GUI system, e.g. Android, you will not need to change any model code - you will only have to replace the GUI code. So your view and controller classes must not have any of the game logic - all the game logic must be in the model classes only. In addition to MVC, you must use design patterns in your code, and you must identify what design patterns you use and where You should make your program user friendly, with suitable menus, save game, resizable windows, flipping the screen when it is the other player's turn, etc. For save and load game, the game should be saved into a text file so that it's human-readable (Ctrl) - The above layout is the initial position of the game pieces. The Sun can only move one step in any direction. The game ends when the Sun is captured by the other side. The Chevron moves in an L shape: 2 steps in one direction then 1 step perpendicular to it. (Similar to the Knight in the normal chess.) It is the only piece that can skip over the other pieces The Triangle can move any number of steps diagonally. The Plus can move any number of steps up and down, or left and right. The Arrow can only move 1 or 2 steps forward each time, but when it reaches the other edge of the board, it turns around and heads back in the opposite direction. (The icon should also turn around when that happens.) After blue has moved 2 times, all the blue Triangles will turn into Pluses and vice versa. Similarly, after red has moved 2 times, all the red Triangles will turn into Plusses and vice versa. Then they will change again after the 4" move, 6"h move, etc. (This makes Webale chess different from normal chess games, Acti because the pieces will transform like that.) Go to

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Programming in Java 0 Answer Muhammad Chaudhry

A Mergeable Interface Some objects can be combined with other objects of the same type to create larger objects of the same type. This is not the case with Remote or Film objects, but it is the case with String s, MusicCollection s, or ClassList s. a. Defi ne a Mergeable interface with one method Object merge(Object x).

A Mergeable Interface Some objects can be combined with other objects of the same type to create larger objects of the same type. This is not the case with Remote or Film objects, but it is the case with String s, MusicCollection s, or ClassList s. a. Defi ne a Mergeable interface with one method Object merge(Object x). b. Design a class IntegerSet that implements Mergeable . IntegerSet stores a set of integers. Methods of IntegerSet should include: void printElements(); int size(); boolean elementOf(int x); sim23356_ch12.indd 580 12/15/08 6:52:17 PM Chapter 12 Inheritance 581 c. Defi ne merge(Object x) so that if x and y belong to IntegerSet then x.merge(y) returns a reference to an IntegerSet, z , containing the integers in x and/or y. Set z contains no duplicates . For example, if x {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and y {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} then z {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}. d. A particular lottery allows people to play any set of numbers from 1 through 1,000,000. Each number played costs $1. There is one winning number chosen each week. A group of friends play the lottery, and each one has some set of favorite numbers. Possibly, some of the friends have chosen the same numbers. They decide to pool their numbers and split the winnings if any one of their numbers wins. Write a test class that creates three IntegerSet objects containing the lottery numbers played by three different friends. Your test class should create a merged set from the three sets and print out all the numbers in it and how much it will cost to play these numbers (i.e., how many numbers).

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Programming in Java 0 Answer Kashif Asghar

Write an abstract Box class that has three integer dimensions : length, width, and depth , and two methods: surfaceArea() and volume().

Write an abstract Box class that has three integer dimensions : length, width, and depth , and two methods: surfaceArea() and volume(). Box should implement the Comparable interface, but leave compareTo(...) undefi ned. That is, compareTo(…) is an abstract method.

Create two subclasses of Box: BoxArea and BoxVolume . Each of these subclasses extends Box and does nothing extra except implements the abstract method compareTo(...) .

Note that since Box implements Comparable , the derived classes BoxArea and BoxVolume do not also need to explicitly implement Comparable , but they do need to implement compareTo(…).

• BoxArea defi nes compareTo(...) by comparing surface areas.
• BoxVolume defi nes compareTo(...) by comparing volumes.

Write a class with a single static method public static boolean orderedUp( Comparable[] x, int size) that determines whether or not the elements of Comparable array x are in strict ascending order.

Write a test class with a main() method that asks the user to enter three dimensions for each of fi ve different boxes. Create two arrays of BoxArea and BoxVolume , each containing the data for these fi ve boxes.

Your test class should print a message indicating whether or not the boxes in each array are in strict ascending order according to the appropriate compareTo(…) methods.

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Programming in Java 0 Answer Kashif Asghar

Are rules in poetry important?

  1. Are rules in poetry important? How do they matter to the poet and the reader? Discuss it in terms of following this text likes: “Daddy, Sylvia Plath”, “In A Station of the Metro, Ezra Pound” and “Birds With Two Right Wings, Lawrence Ferlinghetti”.
  2. How has the representation of women in literature change over the course of history? Or have they not changed at all? Discuss in terms of “Hill Like White Elephant, Ernest Hemingway”, “Daddy, Sylvia Path” and “ In A Station of the Metro, Ezra Pound”.

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Essay Writing 0 Answer Md. Jalal Ibna Fahad 1521484620

Assess the maximum and minimum power requirements of the fuel cell, the volume of the feasible fuel storage (25% boot space as the restriction and compressed hydrogen at 700bar), and maximum achievable travel range.

The technical specification of a typical small passenger vehicle are: Dimensions and Wights Boot Space Gross Vehicle Kerb Weight 410 litres 1380 kg 978 kg Fuel Economy Mileage (Motorway) Mileage (urban) Mileage (overall) 14.5 km/Litres 9.2 km/litres 11.4 km/lires Capacities Fuel Tank Capacity 45 Liter Performance Maximum Speed 0-100 kph % Mile 144 kph 18.4 secs 26.6 secs Engine Engine Type Displacement Power 1.3L End 1299 cc 59PS@5000rpm 100Nm@3200rpm Torque PEMFC Fuel Utilisation: 75% Stack Efficiency: 60% SOFC Fuel Utilisation: 90% Stack Efficiency: 65% If this vehicle is to be powered by a fuel cell system, then assess the maximum and minimum power requirements of the fuel cell, the volume of the feasible fuel storage (25% boot space as the restriction and compressed hydrogen at 700bar), and maximum achievable travel range. Discuss your design and compare them with the ICE vehicle. Overall engine efficiency supposed to be given. Include your system design.

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Mechanical Engineering 0 Answer Sami Temo