Assume you have two analog-to-digital converters.

Assume you have two analog-to-digital converters with the following characteristics:
ADC1: 8 bit, nominal input range 0→5 volts,
ADC2: 12 bit, nominal input range 0→10 volts

  1. What is the resolution of each of these ADCs (smallest step in voltage that you can measure, i.e. step size)
  2. If ADC1 created a binary code (1110 0010)2, what is the range of input voltages that could have produced this code?
  3. If ADC2 created a binary code (0000 1110 0010)2 what is the range of input voltages could have produced this code?
  4. Find the codes produced by the two ADCs when the input voltages are:
    (i) 3.5V (ii) 2.35 V (iii) 6.35 V

Control System 1 Answer Anonymous(s) Post